电子邮箱: bzsun@jxnu.edu.cn
理学博士,凝聚态方向硕士生导师。2011年福州大学获博士学位,2013年8月-2015年7月在中国科学院福建物质结构研究所从事博士后研究,2022年1月-2022年12月在中国科学院大连化学物理研究所做访问学者。主要从事电化学反应机理的研究及锂离子电池、锂硫电池等新能源材料的设计。至今,已主持完成国家自然科学基金、中国博士后面上资助、广西自然科学基金及江西省自然科学基金等多项国家级及省级课题,以第一作者及通讯作者在ACS Applied Materials & Interface, Journal of Chemical Physics, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Journal of Material Chemistry A, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Applied Surface Science等权威刊物上发表SCI收录的论文30余篇。
Zhang Z.H., Yao T.F., Wang E.K.,Sun B.Z.*, Sun K. and Peng Z.Q.Unlocking the Low-Temperature Potential of Propylene Carbonate to −30 °C via N-Methylpyrrolidone.2022ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces14: 45484.(权威期刊)
Sun B.Z., Chen W.K. and Xu Y.J. Computational Investigation of Coverage-Dependent Behavior on Functionalization of the Semiconductor X (100)-2×1 Surface (X = C, Si, and Ge) by Cycloaddition of Transition Metal Oxides. 2011The Journal of Physical Chemistry C115: 5800.(权威期刊)
Sun B.Z., Chen W.K. and Xu Y.J. Coverage-Dependent Behavior on Organic Functionalization of the Semiconductor X(100)-2 × 1 Surface (X = C, Si, and Ge) by Carbene, Silylene, Germylene, and Nitrene: A Periodic DFT Study. 2010The Journal of Physical Chemistry C114: 6543.(权威期刊)
Ma, Z.J., Wu K.C.,Sun, B.Z., He, C. Band engineering of AgSb1-xBixO3for photocatalytic water oxidation under visible light.2015Journal of Materials Chemistry A3: 8466-8474.(SCI一区)
Zhao Z.J., Yao J.P.,Sun B.Z.*, Zhong S.Y., Lei X.L., Xu B. and Ouyang C.Y. First-principles identification of spinel CaCo2O4as a promising cathode material for Ca-ion batteries. 2018Solid State Ionics326: 145.(SCI二区)
Sun B.Z., Ma Z.J., He C. and Wu K. C. Anisotropic thermoelectric properties of layered compounds in SnX2(X = S, Se): a promising thermoelectric material. 2015Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics17: 29844.(SCI二区)
Sun B.Z.*, Xu X.L., Chen W.K. and Dong L.H. Theoretical insights into the reaction mechanisms of NO oxidation catalyzed by Cu2O(111). 2014Applied Surface Science316: 416.(SCI二区)
Sun B.Z., Chen W.K. and Xu Y.J. Reaction mechanism of CO oxidation on Cu2O(111): A density functional study. 2010The Journal of Chemical Physics133: 154502.(SCI二区)
Sun B.Z., Chen W.K. and Xu Y.J. Coadsorption of CO and NO on the Cu2O(111) surface: A periodic density functional theory study. 2009Journal of Chemical Physics131: 174503.(SCI二区)
Liao S.S.,Sun B.Z.*, Hua B., Shi J., Xu B. and Peng Z.Q.*First-principles study on the electronic, magnetic, and Li-ion mobility properties of N-doped Ti2CO2. 2022Solid State Ionics383: 115983.(SCI三区)
Liao S.S., Qin W.J.,Sun B.Z.*, Wu M.S. and Xu B.*Electronic and magnetic properties in nitrogen-doped 2D titanium carbides (MXenes): Insight from first-principles calculations. 2021Solid State Communications340: 114549.(SCI四区)
Li S.Y., Cui A.,Sun B.Z.*, Liu G. and Xu B. Modulating electronic, magnetic and mechanical properties of MVN (M = Ti, V, Cr) MXenes by surface functionalization. 2021Solid State Communications336:114411.(SCI四区)