王资生 教授

王资生,教授,博士,光学专业硕士生导师。长期从事核数据评价,核物理和中高能物理理论,以及量子信息理论工作。1996年被中国原子能科学研究院聘为副研究员(副教授),1997.07-2001.10 德国核研究中心访问学者, 2001.11-2007.12 新加坡国立大学助理研究员, 20014.9-2014.12 澳门大学访问研究员。在国内外期刊上共发表文章80余篇,于2008年回国受聘于beplay官方网站官网。

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备 注
毕业论文发表在Int. J. Theor. Phys(SCI 四区)
毕业论文发表在Phys. Rev. A(SCI 二区)
毕业论文发表在Journal of Magnetic Resonance(SCI 二区)
在 读



1. Z. S. Wang, et al., Study on the covariance matrix of the evaluated data, INDC 024, 5 (1991).
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13. Z. S. Wang, et al., Excitation of the Delta-Baryon with Density Dependence in Quasielastic Electron Scattering, Journal of Qing Dao University, 10, 15 (1997).
14. Z. S. Wang*, S. Krewald, and J. Speth, A Meson-Theoretical Explanation of the (980) Production Puzzle in the Reaction p-p ® p0 p0n ( I ), Jadernaja Fizika, Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 64, 1 (2001).
15. Z. S. Wang*, S. Krewald, and J. Speth, A Meson-Theoretical Explanation of the (980) Production Puzzle in the Reaction p-p ® p0 p0n ( III ), Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 64, 691 (2001).
16. Z. S. Wang*, et al., Renormalization for optical model and unified model of nuclear reactions, Phys. Rev. C 48, 2905 (1993).
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20. Z. S. Wang*, S. Krewald, and J. Speth, A Meson-Theoretical Explanation of the (980) Production Puzzle in the Reaction p-p ® p0 p0n, Nucl. Phys. A 684, 429 (2000).
21. Z. S. Wang*, et al., Dynamical symmetry and geometric phase, Phys. Scr. 75, 494 (2007).
22. Z. S. Wang*, et al., Geometricphase in open two-level system, Europhys. Lett. 74, 958 (2006).
23. Z. S. Wang*, et al., Effects of a squeezed-vacuum reservoir on geometricphase, Phys. Rev. A 75, 024102 (2007).
24. Z. S. Wang*, L. C. Kwek, C. H. Lai and C. H. Oh, Entanglement and Geometric Phase in Transverse and Longitudinal particles, The European Physical Journal D 33, 285 (2005).
25. Z. S. Wang*, L. C. Kwek, C. H. Lai and C. H. Oh, Quantum tunneling time, Phys. Rev. A 69, 052108 (2004).
26. Z. S. Wang*, L. C. Kwek, C. H. Lai and C. H. Oh, Quantum tunneling time v.s. geometric phase, Phys. Lett. A 359, 608 (2006).
27. Z. S. Wang*, Chunfeng Wu, Xun-Li Feng, L. C. Kwek, C. H. Lai, C. H. Oh, and V. Vedral, Geometric phase induced by nonlocality. Phys. Lett. A 372, 775 (2008).
28. Xun-Li Feng, Z. S. Wang, Chunfeng Wu, L. C. Kwek, C. H. Lai and C. H. Oh, A scheme for unconventional geometric quantum computation in cavity QED. Phys. Rev. A 75, 052312 (2007).
29. Z. S. Wang*, Chunfeng Wu, Xun-Li Feng, L. C. Kwek, C. H. Lai, C. H. Oh, and V. Vedral, Nonadiabatic geometric quantum computation. Phys. Rev. A 76, 044303 (2007).
30. Chunfeng Wu, Z. S. Wang, Xun-Li Feng, L. C. Kwek, C. H. Lai, and C. H. Oh. Unconventional geometric quantum computation in a two-mode cavity. Phys. Rev. A 76, 024302 (2007).
31. Z. S. Wang. Geometric quantum computation and dynamical invariant operators. Phys. Rev. A 79, 024304 (2009).
32. Z. S. Wang*, G. Q. Liu and Y. H. Ji. Noncyclic geometric quantum computation in a nuclear-magnetic-resonance system. Phys. Rev. A 79, 054301(2009).
33. G. Q. Liu, Z. S. Wang,Y. B. Liao, H. H. Hu, and Y. Chen. High-quality photonic crystal heterostructures fabricated by a modified self-assembly method, APPLIED OPTICS, 482480 (2009).
34. Z. S. Wang and R. S. Wu. Interpretation for probability wave and quantum measured problem, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 48, 1859 (2009).
35. Z. S. Wang. Geometric Phase in fluctuating magnetic field. Int. J. Theor. Phys. 48, 2353 (2009).
36. Di-You Jiang, R. Wu, S. S. Li, and Z. S. Wang*. Controlled dense coding with symmetric state. Int. J. Theor. Phys. 48, 2297 (2009).
37. Z. Q. Chen, J. Q. Wang, X. L. Li, Y. H. Ji, B. R. Zhang, Y. Y. Jiang, Z. S. Wang*. Avoiding loss of fidelity for universal entangling geometric quantum gate. Int. J. Theor. Phys 48, 2904 (2009).
38. Z.Q. Chen, L.P. Guo , Y. Chen , X.L. Li , G.Q. Liu , Y.H. Ji , Z.S. Wang*. Controlling Decoherence from Fluctuating Magnetic Field. Int. J. Theor. Phys 49, 18 (2010).
39. JI Ying-Hua, CAI Shi-Hua, LE Jian-Xin, WANG Zi-Sheng, Operating geometric quantum gate by external controllable parameters, Chinese Physics B 19, 010311(2010).
40. Z. S. Wang*, Jianqiu Wang, Yanyan Jiang, Z. Q. Chen, and Y. H. Ji, Avoiding decoherence for open system and renormalizing for Hamiltonian, Adv. Studies Theor. Phys 4,241 (2010).
41.Dongyu Liu, Z. Q. Chen, and Z. S. Wang*, Geometric Population Inversion in Rabi Oscillation. Int. J. Theor. Phys 49, 497 (2010).
42. Y. H. Ji , L. Xu , B. Xu , and Z. S. Wang, Implementation of noadiabatic geometric quantum gate in quantum circuit, Modern Physics Letters B 24, 727(2010).
43. Ji Ying-Hua, Lai Hui-Fang, Cai Shi-Hua, and Wang Zisheng, Controlled decoherence of thre-levelrf-SQUID qubit with asymmetric potential. Chin. Phys. B 19, 030310 (2010).
44.Huang-Yun Rao, Li-yun Hu, G.Q. Liu, and Z.S. Wang*, Overcoming Decoherent Effects from Squeezed Vacuum Reservoir. Int. J. Theor. Phys 49, 1396 (2010).
45. Lin Xu, Gang Huang, Y.H. Ji, and Z.S. Wang*, Geometric Control for Unified Entangling Quantum Gate with High-Fidelity in Electric Circuit. Int. J. Theor. Phys 49, 2002 (2010).
46. Y.H. Ji, J. J. Hu, Z.S. Wang. Modulation of Entanglement for Coupled Superconducting Qubits Under Non-Markovian Environment. Int. J. Theor. Phys. 49,1911 (2010).
47. Y.H. Ji, L. Xu, Z.S. Wang. Controlled Decoherence of Three-level Floating Qubit. Int. J. Theor. Phys. 49,2641 (2010).
48. Wenjuan Yang, Weijia Zhang, Hongshan Tang, Z.S. Wang *.Entanglement and Geometric Phase for Two-Particle System in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Int. J. Theor. Phys 50, 260 (2010).
49. G. Q. Liu, Z. S. Wang, et.al. Influence of growth parameters on the fabrication of high-quality colloidal crystals via a controlled evaporation self-assembly method. Thin Solid Films 518,5083 (2010).
50. Hualan Xu, Y.H. Ji, Z.S. Wang* .Geometric Phase and Sidebands. Int. J. Theor. Phys. 50, 497 (2011).
51. Yanyan Jiang, Y. H. Ji, Hualan Xu, Li-yun Hu, Z. S. Wang,* Z. Q. Chen, and L. P. Guo. Geometric phase of mixed states for three-level open systems. Phys. Rev. A 82, 062108 (2010).
52. G. Q. Liu, Z. S. Wang (第2作者), Influence of growth parameters on the fabrication of high-quality colloidal crystals via a controlled evaporation self-assembly method. Thin Solid Films 518,5083 (2010).
53. Yanxia Yu, Z.Q. Chen, Li-yun Hu, Hongshan Tang, Z.S. Wang*. Geometric Phase for Optical Free Induction Decay. Int. J. Theor. Phys. 50,148 (2011).
55. Li-Yun Hu, Zheng-Lu Duan, Xue-Xiang Xu and Zi-Sheng Wang, Wigner function evolution in a self-Kerr medium derived by entangled state representation, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 44, 195304(2011).
56. Hualan Xu, Dan Fu, Z.S. Wang, Hui Pan, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 223 (2012) 25–30
57. Hua-lan Xu, Dan Fu, Z. S. Wang*, Hui Pan, Dynamic evolution for liquid-state nuclear spins
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58. Yi-you Nie, Yuan-hua Li, Zi-sheng Wang, Semi-quantum information splitting using
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59. Hua-lan Xu, Lin Xu, Li-yun Hu, Z. S. Wang*, Geometric Phase of Mixed States in the
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60. Qi Wang, Li-yun Hu, Z. S. Wang*, Different representations of R-function and
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61. Li-yun Hu, Zheng-lu Duan, Xue-xiang Xu, Z. S. Wang, Wigner function evolution in a
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62. Gui-qiang Liu, H.H. Hu, Y.B. Liao, Z. S. Wang, et.al., Synthesis and photonic band gap
characterization of high quality photonic crystal heterostructures, OPTIK 122, 9 (2012).
63.Yanxia Yu , Guolan Fu,L.P. Guo ,Hui Pan and Z.S. Wang,Quantum correlations of coupled superconducting two-qubit system in various cavity environments, Physica C 495 (2013) 88–108.
1、包含退相干效应的几何量子调控 (编号:210115)
2、克服固态量子比特退相干研究 (编号:2010GZW0026)
3、量子几何相位与几何量子调控 (编号:GJJ10404)
1、中国核工业总公司部级科技进步二等奖,获奖项目:剂量学反应截面评价,排名 :3.
2、 2011年获江西省高等学校科技成果一等奖,获奖项目:几何相位和几何量子计算。排名:1,证书编号:J1101016
3、 2011年获江西省高等学校科技成果二等奖,获奖项目:纠缠态表象在光学变换及量子退相干中的应用。排名:3,证书编号:J1102020
4、 2010年获江西师大引进人才奖
5、 2012年度获江西省物理学会优秀论文唯一的一等奖。
九、社会兼职 :
4、2013年被聘为《Chinese Journal of Mathematics》编辑委员会委员。该委员会有国内外著名大学和著名教授出任,其中国内本人为唯一的非211高校教授。