郭琴 教授

姓名: 郭琴

职称: 教授



办公电话: 18170931310

电子邮箱: guoqin91@163.com



  1. Nonclassical Properties of an Opto-Mechanical System Initially Prepared in N-Headed Cat State and Number StateInternational Journal of Theoretical Physics58: 58–702019.(通讯作者)

  2. Antibunching effect of photons in a two-level emitter-cavity systemPhysical Review A100, 0638341-72019.(第三作者)

  3. Photon blockade in a bimode nonlinear nanocavity embedded with a quantum dotPhysical Review A102(5), 053713 (第三作者)

  4. Nonclassicality and Decoherence of the Variable Arcsine in a Thermal EnvironmentInt. J. Theor. Phys. 536):3970-3980, 2014 (通讯作者)

  5. Dynamics and nonclassical properties of an opto- mechanical system prepared in four-headed cat state and number stateOptics Communications 369179–1882016(通讯作者)

  6. M Times Photon Subtraction-Addition Coherent Superposition Operated Odd -Schr˝odinger-cat State: Nonclassicality and DecoherenceInt. J. Theor. Phys. (2015) 54 (8): 2952–29682015(通讯作者)

  7. New approach for solving the Wigner function from the Husimi function in the two-mode entangled state representationOptik12518):5303–53082014(第一作者)

  8. Density matrix of two interacting particles with kinetic coupling derived in bipartite entangled state representationChin. Phys.16 (9)2007(第一作者)

  9. Husimi Function of Excited Squeezed Vacuum StateCommun. Theor. Phys. 49(5)2008(第一作者)

  10. Revised Virial theorem for Hamiltonians with coordinates-momentum coupling termsCommun. Theor. Phys. (Beijing, China) 502008(第一作者)

  11. The Wigner Function and the Husimi Function of the One- and Two-Mode Combination Squeezed StateInt. J. Theor. Phys. 462007.(第一作者)

  12. Husimi Operator for Describing Probability Distribution of Electron States in Uniform Magnetic Field Studied by Virtue of Entangled State RepresentationInt. J. Theor. Phys. 472008(第一作者)
