电子邮箱: yuanfengzhu@126.com
1. 指导学生参加第十七届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛,获江西省特等奖1项,获国赛三等奖1项;
2. 指导学生参加江西省“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛获金奖、银奖各1项;
3. 指导学生参加光电设计大赛,获国赛一等奖1项。
1. Yuan-Feng Zhu, Xiang-Yu Zuo, Peiguang Yan, Dan-Dan Ji, Yun-Hao Xu, Xingfang Luo*, “Low-loss nodeless conjoined-tube anti-resonant hollow-core fiber, ” IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology ( Early Access ), DOI:10.1109/JLT.2023.3244983, (2023)
2. Yuan-Feng Zhu, Shao-Hua Wang, Ming-Yang Chen , Xiang-Yu Zuo, Hua Wang, Chunfang Rao , Yun-Hao Xu, Dan-Dan Ji, and Yunqi Liu*, “Nested Partially Negative Curvature Hollow-Core Antiresonant Fiber,” IEEE Photonics and Technology Letters, 34(5), 283~286 (2022)
3. Xingfang Luo , Peiwen Xiang, Heming Yu, Shan Huang, Ting Yu, andYuan-Feng Zhu*, “Terahertz Metamaterials Broadband Perfect Absorber Based on Molybdenum Disulfide,” IEEE Photonics and Technology Letters, 34(20), 1100~1103 (2022)
4. Heming Yu, Peiwen Xiang,Yuanfeng Zhu, Shan Huang , and Xingfang Luo*, “Polarization Insensitive Broadband Concentric- Annular-Strip Octagonal Terahertz Graphene Metamaterial Absorber,” IEEE Photonics Journal, 14(1), 4600906 (2022)
5. 黄旭,骆兴芳,左翔宇,王少华,祝远锋*, “双芯太赫兹光纤定向耦合器,”光学学报, 42(2), 0206006, (2022)
6. Yuan-Feng Zhu, Xu Huang, Qiang Ke, Guiqiang Liu, Chun-Fang Rao, Depeng Kong, Sen Mei, Yunqi Liu*, Hua Wang, “Low loss and polarization-insensitive coupling length for a terahertz fiber directional coupler with symmetric dual-suspended core structure, ” Optics Communications, 480, 126497( 2021)
7. Tong-Tong Bai,Yuan-Feng Zhu, Ming-Yang Chen,* and Hang Xu, “Design and investigation of terahertz hollow-core Bragg waveguide with axial periodic bridges, ” Optical Engineering, 60(8), 086105(2021)
8. Yuan-Feng Zhu*, Ming-Yang Chen and Yunqi Liu, “Nested Low-Loss Hollow Core Fiber, ” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 26,4500106 (2020)
9. 穆启元,祝远锋,薛璐,张亚妮,孔德鹏*,贺正权,刘红军,王丽莉, “部分负曲率太赫兹空芯波导研究, ”光子学报, 49(9),0923001 (2020)
10. Yuan-Feng Zhu, Xin Liu, Chun-Fang Rao, Hua Zhong, Hai-Mei Luo, Yan-Hua Chen, Zhi-Qing Ye and Hua Wang*, “Low-loss terahertz polarization splitter based on an asymmetric dual-suspended-core fiber,” Optical Engineering, 57, 086112 (2018)
11. Yuan-Feng Zhu*, Depeng Kong, Zhi-Qing Ye, Chun-Fang Rao, Hua Zhong, “Single-polarization operation in suspended-core microstructured fibers,” Photonics and Nanostructures – Fundamentals and Applications , 28, 6~11, (2018)
12. Yuan-Feng Zhu*, Ming-Yang Chen and Hua Wang, “A Low-Loss Terahertz Fiber With Crossed Rectangular Shaped Dielectric Strips,” IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 5, 751~760 (2015)
13. Yuan-Feng Zhu*, M. Y. Chen, H. Wang , Y. K. Zhang, J. C. Yang, “A low transmission loss THz polarization splitter based on dual-core optical fiber,” Photonics and Nanostructures – Fundamentals and Applications , 12, 184~188, (2014)
14. Zhu Yuanfeng, Chen Mingyang*, Wang Hua,Zhang Yongkang, Yang Jichang, “Design of a Surface-Plasmon-Resonance Sensor Based on a Microstructured Optical Fiber with Annular-Shaped Holes,” Plasma Science and Technology, 16, 867~872, (2014)
15. Yuan-Feng Zhu, Ming-Yang Chen*, Hua Wang, Hong-Bing Yao, Yong-Kang Zhang and Ji-Chang Yang, “Design and Analysis of a Low-Loss Suspended Core Terahertz Fiber and Its Application to Polarization Splitter,” IEEE Photonics Journal, 5, 7101410 (2013)
1. 左翔宇;祝远锋;姬丹丹;王少华;罗皓洋;授权公告日2022.06.03,中国,ZL 202110624776.0(研究生排名第一)
2. 祝远锋;罗海梅;柯强;徐裕富,一种多谐振层空芯光纤,授权公告日2020.10.02,中国,ZL201910698391.1
3. 祝远锋;叶志清;饶春芳;王祖俭,一种多谐振层空心光纤,授权公告日:2020.05.12,中国,ZL201811246442.9
4. 祝远锋;刘鑫;钟华;饶春芳,一种低损耗太赫兹偏振分束器,授权公告日:2019.11.19,中国,ZL201711081180.0
5. 祝远锋;陈明阳;张永康;杨继昌;杨阳;刘玥,一种太赫兹偏振分束器,授权公告日:2016.1.20,中国, ZL201310666221.8
6. 祝远锋;张永康;陈明阳;杨继昌;曹祥祥;孙浩;石琳,一种高双折射太赫兹光纤,授权公告日:2015.8.26,中国, ZL201310667064.2
7. 祝远锋;张永康;陈明阳;杨继昌,一种太赫兹多孔光纤,授权公告日:2015.2.4,中国, ZL201210583899.5
8. 祝远锋;张永康;陈明阳;杨继昌,一种微结构光纤表面等离子体共振传感器,授权公告日:2014.6.25,中国, ZL201210081119.7
1. 国家自然科学基金项目,12064016,部分负曲率太赫兹反谐振空芯光纤的设计、制备及传输特性研究,2021.1-2024.12,34万元,在研,主持;
2. 国家自然科学青年基金项目,11804133,基于硫系相变薄膜光栅的混合等离子波导电光调制特性研究,2019.1.1-2021.12.31,27万元,在研,参加(排名第二);
3. 江西省科技厅科技项目,GJJ170185太赫兹光纤的设计、制备及其传输特性研究,2018.1-2019.12,3万元、已结题、主持;
4. 国家自然科学青年基金项目,10904051,高功率光纤激光器用包层折射率渐变型大模场微结构光纤研究,2010/01-2012/12,20万元,已结题,参加(排名第二);