学术报告(曾毓萍 20160706)


III-V Compound Semiconductor Devices for Future Electronics

Dr. Yuping Zeng





Innovating electronic materials and related process technologies are critical in achieving advanced devices with high performances and new systems with complex functions.

III-V compound semiconductors are attractive due to their small effective masses and high electron mobility. My research has been focused on design and fabrication of electron devices with III-V compound semiconductors. In this talk, I will talk about InAs/AlSb/GaSb tunneling field effect transistors (TFETs) for low power applications and high speed InP/GaAsSb/InP double heterojunction bipolar transistors (DHBTs) for high performance applications. The motivations and operating principles will be presented for both transistors. The novel material designs, fabrication process technology and device design, will be discussed. Tunneling diodes withrecord highpeak-to-valley current ratioand tunneling field effect transistors withhigh on-current densitywere achieved. High speed double heterojunction bipolar transistors withrecord high fMAXover 500GHz were demonstrated as well.

At the end, future work will be discussed in terms of further developing new materials, devices and technology, integration of these novel devices on silicon substrates and realizing novel systems for our daily life applications.


Dr. Yuping Zeng is currently a post-doctoral research fellow under Prof. Chenming Hu and Ali Javey in University of California at Berkeley and will join University of Delaware as an assistant professor in the coming September. She has been working on various projects on III-V compound semiconductor electron devices, such as InAs Tunneling Field Effect Transistors (TFETs), Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs), Fin Field Effect Transistors (FinFETs). She received her PhD degree in Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in 2011. During her PhD study, she worked on optimizations of design and fabrication process of high speed InP/GaAsSb double heterojunction bipolar transistors (DHBTs) under Prof. Colombo Bolognesi. She obtained her Master degree in National University of Singapore where her main research was on nanoscale material process and characterizations. She is one of the 20 gift-young students who were selected to Jilin University at the age of 15 in 1994 for a gift-young undergraduate program in China and obtained her Bachelor’s degree when she was less than 19 under Prof. Guotong Du. Several facets of her research activity are reflected in 29 journal papers and 15 international conference papers. Dr. Zeng is a recipient of the 2009 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad. Her research interests are continued on advanced devices and systems for low power applications and high performance applications by innovations in device design, material design and fabrication technology.
